Fibertex strives for sustainability in filter media


At Fibertex, we are dedicated to drive the sustainability agenda within our industry. It is deeply embedded in our DNA and a fundamental part of developing the business. We have a global setup close to our customers, with state-of-the art technologies and modern production facilities making superior high-performance materials and consistently reducing our carbon footprint.

Fibertex understands global market requirements for more sustainable filtration products. The Fibertex team works closely with prominent research institutes and leading manufacturers, to ensure engineered fabrics, based on state-of-the-art nonwoven technologies, are at the cutting edge of innovation in filtration solutions.

Fibertex manufactures sustainable filtration materials that enable our customers to create high-performance, energy efficient solutions, designed to improve the quality of life.

Fibertex Filter Media faces Sustainability

Sustainability - Energy-saving

Energy-saving filtration solutions

Challenge – A challenge of filter media is that during operation of a filtration system, media filter particles from the air settle in the filter and over time, these particles create a filter cake that blocks the pores, causing an increase in pressure drop. As the pressure drop rises, greater energy is required to push air efficiently through the filter.

Solution – Fibertex has developed a low-pressure-drop air filtration media, which ensures significant energy savings. This advanced filtration media is based on an optimised nonwoven gradient structure that is combined with nano fibres.

Value proposition – By using Fibertex filter media, energy consumption is lower than when  using a traditional commercial filter with the same efficiency rating.

Sustainability - Sustainable-degeneration

Sustainable and biodegradable filtration solutions

Design challenges – In most filtration systems, a filter media comprises three fibrous layers, where each separated layer has a specific function for optimum performance. The first layer improves dust holding capacity, the second enhances filter efficiency and the third provides strength and stiffness of the structure. In a conventional filter construction, the three layers are made of glass or synthetic polymer, neither of which is biodegradable nor biobased.

Solution – Fibertex offers 100% biobased, biodegradable and compostable dust holding filtration layers, using Viscose, Lyocell, hemp, cotton or PLA. Fibertex also offers biodegradable and partly bio-based support layers using BioPET/BioPE. And, Fibertex offers both the dust holding and support layers with 100% recycled content (rPET).

Value proposition – These advanced materials ensure reduced CO2 emissions, without compromising filtration performance.

Sustainability - PFAS legislation

Fibertex products comply with - PFAS legislation

Challenge – Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are chemicals used in a wide range of consumer and industrial products. The release and mobility of PFAS in water, soil and air, causes contamination to groundwater and drinking water, which is costly and challenging to control. These persisent substances do not easily break down and some types accumulate in the environment and in our bodies – often causing serious health issues.

Value proposition – All Fibertex products are compliant with PFAS legislation within the European REACH regulative and the United Nations Environment Programme. Fibertex adheres with every PFAS directive and complies with stringent regulations, continually monitoring the development of upcoming legislation.

Sustainability - Fiber contra glass

Fibertex synthetic filter media has advantages over glass fibre materials

Current challenges – Fibertex has recognised a growing trend in the filtration sector, where filter manufacturers request fully synthetic media, rather than the use of conventional glass fibre materials which have health associated risks and require safety procedures during handling. The high-efficiency filter media that is generally used in HVAC and cabin air filtration systems, is predominantly made of glass fibre composites. Careful handling of this material is critical during production, in end-use applications and for end-of-life disposal.

Fibertex glass free synthetic fibre filtration solutions – Specialists recommend the use of Fibertex synthetic filter media as an alternative to glass fibre materials. Fibertex synthetic filter media provides highly-efficient filtration performance and increased productivity, while posing no health or safety risks to manufacturers and end-users. Synthetic filter media requires no PPE during production, handling and installation and the disposal of this material is easily handled in accordance with regular plastic waste procedures.


Ecovadis Committed
Corporate Social Responsibility

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Committed EcoVadis Sustainability Rating


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