Fibertex strives for sustainability in geotextiles

Fibertex is committed to producing, utilising and discarding plastic products, to enhance the economic benefits of a more holistic approach to manufacture, without unnecessary harm to the environment. We do this because we are passionate about protecting our world.
It is important to the Fibertex team that our products and solutions have genuine environmental benefits compared with harmful alternatives.
We provide clear and accurate information in the form of EPD´s to our consumers in the construction sector. We work on reverse logistics, designing for sustainability to minimise plastic waste at source, while achieving economic, environmental and social benefits. We comply with REACH procedures for restricting substances that pose a risk to the environment and our health.
We are concerned that microplastics is posing risks to organisms. We know how critical it is that every one of us plays our part in reducing waste, litter and pollution, to better protect our world. At Fibertex, we monitor and minimise the spillage of plastic pellet losses. We have a policy of recycling polymers and we procure significant quantities of recycled raw materials.
We actively participate in the innovation of alternative biobased types of feedstock with similar functionalities and benefits of traditional plastics, but with lower environmental impact.
Our manufacturing policy, which is based on an eco-friendly strategy, reduces manufacturing costs that benefit our customers and also prevents harm to the environment.
We care about the preservation of people and sustainability of our environment. We strive to make life better for everyone in a world that is constantly changing. Through our unique high-performance geotextiles, technology competence and goal-driven teams, we play an active role in protecting our environment.
Fibertex Geotextiles faces Sustainability
4 LCA case studies

Road Filter Layer

Road Foundation Stabilisation

Landfill Construction

Slope Retention
Visit EAGM’s website for more information on LCA case studies

EcoVadis CSR Rating
Committed EcoVadis Sustainability Rating