Working Principles
Operational Guidelines
The working processes of the Fibertex Group are accessible to all employees in a digitally integrated IT system - Operational Guidelines. Basically, the Group employs global working processes to ensure that the Fibertex Group as a whole works according to the same principles.
In addition to facilitating communication, the digitalisation has given the management an effective tool ensuring that the intentions of the quality, environmental and energy certifications are observed throughout the entire organisation.

Continual Improvements
Continual improvement is a process affecting all areas in the system structure to ensure continual improvement of the effectiveness of the quality, environmental and energy management systems as well as of the Fibertex Group.
The process is an efficient management tool which to a high degree contributes to fulfil our policies and targets in terms of quality and environmental assurance.
In cooperation with our customers we focus on producing high quality products with minimum environmental impact. Our customers’ audits and assessments enable us to make continual improvement of specific processes and products. Their assessment and rating of Fibertex are of great importance to our common success – to enable us to meet the demand for quality products manufactured with respect for the environment.