Beach erosion rehabilitation
using Fibertex Geosynthetic Sand Container (GSC) bags

A general challenge at exposed coastlines
Coastal erosion is becoming more prevalent across the globe due to rising sea levels and change in global weather patterns. Spring tide storm events often affect, if not destroy, infrastructure and property in close proximity to beaches.
The human factor has also been one of the main contributors to the erosion of beaches. With beachfront properties being cleared of natural erosion protective vegetation, the remaining dunes are left vulnerable to wave attack and storm events.
Protection efficiency
- The highly porous nonwoven fabric allows for a high degree of bidirectional water flow, which translates to a high degree of wave energy absorption.
- Unlike hard concrete revetment structures that deflect wave energy and might thus be susceptible to wave impact damage.
- The GSC bags are more aesthetically appealing.
- The GSC bags allow for free access to beach.
- Should beach sand be scoured during a storm event, the GSC core structure will remain stable, and can be recovered with beach sand after the storm.
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With a range of GSC bags, with sizes varying from 200 kg to more than 4000 kg, the GSC bags can be used in riverine, lagoon and coastal protection works depending on the environmental and engineering requirements of the designed stormflooding protection structure.
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